Taking Clay for a Spin

Pottery has been connected to civilization since 29,000 BC when humans formed clay into anything from plates to pots. Ceramics, which uses some clay or other materials like glazes, silica and zirconium, are heated to form varied shapes and colors. The first functional use of ceramics for storage vessels is estimated to have originated around 9000 BC. It is thought the potter’s wheel was first introduced in 3,500 BC and thus began a profession which has spun for thousands of years.

The following Internet sites give you some helpful information from beginning techniques to accomplished works.

  • Making Pottery at Home

    Not everyone wants to open a ceramics or pottery studio or display at a crafts fair. Some just like the experience of creating something useful or beautiful for the shear enjoyment. Click here for an informative article on how to set up a workplace in your home. CLICK HERE

  • Ceramics Monthly

    A wonderful resource for information in regard to pottery is the publication Ceramics Monthly. Click here to access some of its issues and articles before paying for a subscription. CLICK HERE

  • The History of Pottery…and more

    The Deneen Pottery website gives you an excellent overview of potter from its inception and history to the inspiration of potters for the past thousands of years and how to get started with pottery as a hobby. Click here for more information. CLICK HERE

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