Getting Ready
It’s that time of the year that your home is decorated to attract many visitors and lots of foot traffic on the sidewalk leading to your home for Halloween! Decorating your yard and house invites the trick-or-treaters to join you for treats.
Be Prepared
October 31st could be the busiest night of the year for visitors coming to your front door. It is important that your yard and house are ready for this event. There are several things that you must do to have a safe and fun night at your house. Click here to be prepared.
Ideas for a Monster Mash Party
Hosting a Halloween Party for the little goblins can be lots of fun and you can center the activities in your back yard. This will be lots of fun for friends, families and children. Click here for the big scoop on ideas to have a fun and successful party.
Games, Games, Games
For a spooktacular gathering, add fun Halloween games for kids, like the Candy Corn game and Monster Bingo. These games and activities won’t take a bite out of your budget. Have fun planning for this ghostly backyard party. Click here for these ideas and more!
What are your Halloween plans? Will you be walking the streets with your kids, or welcoming them to your front door? Either way have fun and stay safe!