Becky’s Kitchen: Pumpkin Spice Pound Cake with Maple Glaze Ingredients 2 ½ cups sugar 1 cup vegetable or canola oil 3 eggs at room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 tablespoon of baking spice blend mix or pumpkin pie spice...

Prepare to Attack!: Monday Motivation November 27, 2023   It's time to make a plan. A Prussian General said, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy," Mike Tyson said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." General Eisenhower said, "Plans are...

Why We Should Be Thankful: Monday Motivation November 20,... President George Washington proclaimed on October 3, 1789, designating Thursday, November 26, as a national day of thanks. In his proclamation, Washington declared that the necessity for such a day sprung from the Almighty's care of Americans...

Awake: Yes – It is Really Real

Earlier this year I was diagnosed with ADHD; it was not so much a shock as much as it made perfect sense. It was like an aha moment - that is why I have always had trouble...

Time To Get Bloody: Monday Motivation November 13, 2023 At the end of every operation or exercise in the Marines, we do an "after-action review," or AAR, to capture the lessons of what we had done well and failed to do. Sometimes, units would minimize or...

Rooted: The Rolling Stones and Pop Art

This week we are looking at a piece inspired by Andy Warhol and one of my favorite bands of all time - The Rolling Stones.  I thought this week would be a great week to talk about The...

Could You Be Breaking Anymore Hearts

Matthew Perry is gone. When the news broke late evening on October 28th, the world shuddered with disbelief. The late actor and Friends star had struggled with drugs throughout his life. Perry wrote a book enlightening people...

Awake: Nostalgia and the Next Generation

What would your answer be if someone asked you what your favorite childhood toy was? Favorite music album? Artist? I think many today would be too busy to remember the last time they really thought about those...

Who’s in Charge? Succession: Monday Motivation October 23, 2023   During field training in the Marines, we regularly conducted a drill that started with "The Lieutenant is dead; who's in charge?" We had a mission that must continue; our lives and others lives depended on our mission....

Rooted: The Importance of Improvisational Music

This week we are looking at a piece inspired by one of my personal favorite jazz musicians, Louis Armstrong.  My introduction to Louis Armstrong’s music was in Disney-Pixar’s WALL·E in 2008. I was 4 years old and it...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons