Build Relationships: Monday Motivation July 10, 2023   Someone asked me the other day why Marines call each other Brother when they don't even know the other person. I do this. I told him that whether I served with a person or not, we had...

Monday Motivation – June 13, 2022

- There is a leadership tenet that underpins all others, so I call it the Prime Imperative because it is the leader's One thing. - Over the years, I have seen many Marines someone had labeled as "dirt-bags"...

National Pie Day / National Handwriting Day

National Pie Day January 23 According to the American Pie Council, “Pie has been around since the ancient Egyptians. The first pies were made by early Romans who may have learned about it through the Greeks. These pies were sometimes...

National Champagne Day / Make Up Your Mind Day

National Champagne Day December 31 Popping the Bubbly is a tradition for New Year’s Eve, so it makes sense to have this day dedicated to champagne. Yeast and sugar are added to wine in a second fermentation process which...

Peanut Fun

George Washington Carver was an African American scientist who figured out that planting peanuts was good for the soil because the peanut plants released nitrogen which cotton plants needed to grow well. This idea really helped the...

Monday Motivation – November 7, 2022

This week we celebrate two great occasions, Veteran's Day and the Marine Corps Birthday. On 11 November, regardless of the day of the week, we celebrate Veterans Day. This courageous 7 % of Americans wrote a blank...

Time To Get Bloody: Monday Motivation November 13, 2023 At the end of every operation or exercise in the Marines, we do an "after-action review," or AAR, to capture the lessons of what we had done well and failed to do. Sometimes, units would minimize or...

World Rainforest Day / National Onion Ring Day

World Rainforest Day June 22 A rainforest is defined as a forest with heavy annual rainfall (more than 80 inches of rainfall a year). Rainforests only cover around 2 percent of the total surface area of the Earth,...

A View on “Vintage”

In the past or at least up until late 1965, putting on a vinyl record was the only way to purchase and listen to groovy tunes. Vinyl is not only a timeless music format, but a cherished...

Get Organized: Monday Motivation June 5, 2023   Ever heard the saying, "A messy desk is a sign of genius" or something similar? When I reported to the Manpower Department at Headquarters Marine Corps as a captain, just a few years after I started personal...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons