
Indoor Bulb Garden

Upcoming Jury Selections For Ellis County

Bessie Coleman – Waxahachie’s Fly Girl

Life’s A Journey

At 15 years old, most people are focused on their learner’s permit and Friday Night Lights. Local actress, model, and culinary connoisseur Journey Slayton, however, was more focused on booking her next gig and securing all the...

Parenting During The Corona Virus Pandemic

With the reality of school and daycare closures, and workplaces shutting down or moving to remote working, many families are faced with the prospect of a little too much togetherness! This time away from school isn’t quite...

Bunny Rabbit!

My friends and family all know that I am a little crazy about bunny rabbits. It all started many years ago when I was in fourth grade. My friend’s mother told me to say, “Bunny Rabbit” on...

Beauty Underfoot – Mystic And Crystal Dome Caverns

Caverns are always intriguing to visit because of their natural beauty and history. Mystic and Crystal Dome Caverns in Harrison, Arkansas, were no exception. Our road trip through Arkansas had to include a visit to these caverns which...

Grow Your Own Pineapple

This is a great project to start as we all wait in our homes for life to resume! However, this growing experience can take years, yes YEARS – and we all hope we won’t be at home...

DownHome Sports – May 11, 2021 This Week... Waxahachie Clay Sports is blowing away the Competition. Hear how they have reached a new level of excellence. Seniors are leading the way and setting the table for future teams. 17 Min: Red Oak Baseball talks about...

Family Weekend Activities

Even in this quarantine "new normal", our weekly schedules can be hectic balancing work responsibilities with kids doing school. Add that to the underlying stress about a global pandemic, and things are just tense right now! That...

An Adventure In Your Own Backyard

In the coming days and weeks, we need to think of ways to entertain ourselves without a crowd of people. What better choice than to take up bird watching? There are benefits to this hobby. Spending time...

History, Seafood, Pubs And Famous Sites

History, seafood, pubs and famous sites—Boston, MA contains all of these and more. The names in Boston will remind you of high school U.S. history lessons as you walk along the waterfront at the Boston Harbor and discover...

Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House

My husband lived in Savannah, Georgia in the 1970’s and has many good memories of his time there. One special memory is of an eating establishment called Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House. Your dining experience would begin by...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons
