
Rooted: The Child Within

Thankful for NOTHING!

Rooted: The Rolling Stones and Pop Art

The Evolution and Legacy of...

The iPod, a groundbreaking device in the realm of portable music players, has...

Awake: Yes – It is...

Earlier this year I was diagnosed with ADHD; it was not so much...

Rooted: Art Inspires Art

I remember a time in my sophomore year of high school that someone...

Rooted: Ratatouille and the Chase...

This week I’m excited to share a piece that is inspired by one...

The Miracle Melon

I recall the day we first moved here to Ellis County. We left the...

The Runt

Here, on my back porch, at Hall (1.15) acres… we have quite the...

Awake: A Magical World of...

Studio Ghibli, is a Japanese animation studio founded by the visionary filmmakers Hayao...


How do I do this? How do I capture the essence, the gravity of...

My Everyday Valentine

Taking a rare day off…I arose this morning early, got dressed and hit...

Film Friday: A Thrilling Adaptation...

Hello, this is Grant with Ellis Downhome. I am the writer for the...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons
