Sierra Club Day / National Brisket Day

Sierra Club Day May 27 The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 by a group of Californians who wished to sponsor wilderness outings in “the mountain regions of the Pacific Coast.” The naturalist John Muir was its first president...

National Baseball Card Day / International Cat Day

National Baseball Card Day August 8 During the mid-19th century in the United States, baseball and photography were both gaining popularity. As a result, baseball clubs began to pose for group and individual pictures. By early 1886, images of baseball players...

Service & Repair

Listed by city, this page offers a listing of companies and services which repair and service computers and specified electronic equipment. If your company offers this service and is not listed, contact us to include you in...

A View on “Vintage”

In the past or at least up until late 1965, putting on a vinyl record was the only way to purchase and listen to groovy tunes. Vinyl is not only a timeless music format, but a cherished...

Mental Health Conversation – Part 1

At DownHome, we want to bring you fun, informative, and interesting content, of course! We also want to talk about real life and real things, because people are ultimately what matter most to us. Today begins the first...

Rooted: New Music Segment Announcement

This week, I'm super excited to showcase some recently finished artwork of mine. About a month ago, I started getting back into collecting vinyl and CDs for the first time in a while. I realized that I...

History of Cartoons

Brace yourself for a loaded question. What is your favorite cartoon? Okay. Maybe it is not a loaded question for you, but I bet that most everyone has a core memory of sitting in front of a...

Levi Strauss Day / National Pistachio Day

Levi Strauss Day February 26 Levi Strauss never wore his own jeans.  He put a signature 'V' shaped stitch on the back pockets to identify his pants. The first pair of Levi’s cost only $1.25 in 1880. One of those original pairs...

Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day / World Piano Day

Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day March 29 This day celebrates when Niagara Falls went dry. In an attempt to get rid of the unsightly boulders which had built up at the base of the falls, engineers built a...

Family: Monday Motivation January 29, 2024 Anyone who has spoken to me knows how proud I am of my family, the one my wife and I created, the one from which I am descended, the one I married into, and the one whose...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons