
“It Belongs in a Museum”

Indiana Jones. Few hear these two words without some type of visceral feeling...

A View on “Vintage”

In the past or at least up until late 1965, putting on a...

Rooted: Two Faces

This week we’re looking at a piece inspired by one of my favorite...

My Everyday Valentine

Taking a rare day off…I arose this morning early, got dressed and hit...


How do I do this? How do I capture the essence, the gravity of...

Farewell, Summer

By either the astronomical or meteorological definition…SUMMER still has a...

The Runt

Here, on my back porch, at Hall (1.15) acres… we have quite the...

Could You Be Breaking Anymore...

Matthew Perry is gone. When the news broke late evening on October 28th,...


I arrived home in time today to make a short drive down the...

Thankful for NOTHING!

The morning sun had risen and its piercing light had fought its way...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons