
What A Pain In The Neck!

A Thousand Mile Journey Starts With One Step

Flaxseed & Protein… In Everything!

Back To School Wellness

Well THIS is the weirdest back to school ever!! Some are in school. Some...

Flaxseed & Protein… In Everything!

I add extra Flaxseed & Protein to as many meals as I can...


We’ve all heard about meditation and how it can help with so many...

Turkey, Pork, & Pineapple Tostadas

Sometimes this is my process of thinking for what to do for dinner... I...

Happy Hydrating!

Well, it’s that time of year... that Texas heat is kicking in! Seems like...

Fabulous Fall Cleaning Secrets

Sometimes in Texas, we aren’t 100% sure if we’re going to get an...

Superfood Salmon

Maca Ramos, founder of Healthy Mess, shares one of her family's favorite and...

Scavenger Hunt

Do you know what’s in the products you use daily? Coming soon! We’ll do...

The Dirty Dozen & Clean...

I’m sure many of you, like me, try to squeeze in as much...

My Family’s Journey to Toxin-Free...

A couple of years ago, we received some startling test results on our...


Vets & Pets

This page lists animal shelters, pet groomers, veterinarians, kennels, pet boarding and other...

Beauty Salons